I got sucked into life, oops! What has happened, do I even remember? Here is an idea of what's been going on. Not chronological in any way:
- Made lots of friends! At some point I seem to have gone from knowing about 2 people to knowing about 2 billion. Okay, that is an exaggeration. Anyway, I host this bi-weekly Couchsurfing Queer meeting here and have made a ton of awesome friends and we go on lots of awesome adventures. so yay!
- Attacked the queer/weird/whatever party scene head on. So over winter I was pretty sure I'd never come out of my room again, but something about it ALREADY being light out until 9ish pm makes all of Berlin FLIP OUT. Now it's impossible to convince yourself to sleep and there is WAY too much to do. Highlights include going to Delta, this party with a blacklight room and a UV and glitter paint tent. The first time I went they crowded us in a small room and while I was wondering where the club was and why they were closing the door on us (were we going to be murdered?!) I realized the whole room was an elevator. Oh Berlin. Here is a glow the dark pictures stolen from a friend!:
Lilly and I |
- Had a makeup/glitter explosion party before going to Blitz, this monthly gender-bending synth music party that people dress up for. More stolen photos!
Aleks and Marion |
Lilly all decked out |
- Joined a queer-fem stitch and bitch. I'll hopefully eventually one day knit a pair of socks! I'm about ready to turn the heel of my first sock, terrified! Here is my sock-in-progress. Knitting on the bus and u-bahn has led to a lot of people being really intrigued with me.
Sockstash |
- Had a GIANT taco party. After bemoaning the lack of Mexican food here, we decided to take matters into our own hands, got about 13 of us together, all braved the grocery store together and made a FEAST of homemade guacamole, fried corn tortillas, black beans, dirty rice, salsa and salsa verde and pico de gallo, homemade margaritas. I ate so much I kinda wanted to die. It was sort of like having a family holiday. Hopefully we will do it again soon. Food and friend pics!
Black beans |
Veggie ground meat |
Dirty rice! |
Nate and Mr. Lime |
There may have been an incident of knocking over all these glass bottles with flowers on top of a mirror. It's what happens when the margaritas are strong. |
My bouquet! |
- Am trying to take on the finding-a-flat-scene. A good friend and I are trying to move in together and it is ROUGH. I have never lived somewhere where it's so competitive to find a flat. For one 2 bedroom flat often 50-80 people will show up to the viewing. We've already been looking for about 2 months now, so hopefully we'll be successful soon. Our flat application is 23 pages long. It's ridiculous.
- My friend Gulliver came to visit in February! We ate everything and ran around betrunken a lot. It was quite fantastic.
- I have two jobs now! I'm not teaching at all! As I already mentioned, I work as a Project Assistant in the office of a small university. I like it a lot and it's been keeping me super busy. We just moved offices and now I have my own desk! I also got a second mini-job through a friend making brochures for their work abroad program, which is pretty neat because I can do it from home. I'm also supposed to teach a 5-hour seminar, mostly in German, about intercultural competence. Should be interesting. Sounds more fun than teaching English though, which reminds me, I need to start researching what I actually want to teach. For all of you who've had required study abroad orientation sessions, do you remember any good activities or advice you care to pass on?
- I bought a bike! It was one of my sort of New Years Resolutions to start cycling in this city, so hopefully I'll make that a reality now. I got a pretty good deal and also bought insurance so if it gets stolen I get a new one. Since bikes are stolen a LOT in Berlin, I feel a bit better having this. Hopefully I'll get more comfortable with city cycling and won't get hit by 1000 cars.
There's a general summary. A couple more entries to come as they had way too many pictures to all fit in here!