A bit of delayed post, but I had so many cool pictures from Berlin that I needed time to sort through them. I'm going to break this into two posts: One of places and street art and one of people and what I actually did. I have to say Berlin was probably my favorite city thus far. The picture above is the outside of Tacheles, which is a former department store which now houses a self-organized collective of artists on Oranienburger Straße.

I went on an "Alternative Tour" of Berlin and it was amazing. Basically we went to Tacheles, wandered around Berlin and looked at street art, went to the East Side Gallery (Berlin wall) and saw a few strange clubs and bars. This is me inside Tacheles.

Outside of Tacheles, I liked the girl with the backpack in the top right of the photo.

There were these barcodes all over the city. This one didn't work, but apparently if you take a clear picture and then hold it up to your webcam or something it will open a website and you can track who else has seen it.

Stencil Art by famous street artist
Xoooox in Berlin.

These were inside some art gallery, but I don't remember the name of it. Oops!

Mande une poutine avec moi! (Eat a poutine with me!). This was in the archway of an independent movie theatre.

Also near the cinema. "I don't wanna be u're friend on Facebook". Ouch.

This was the best bathroom setup ever. Whenever the toilets didn't say "Damen" or "Herren" I never had any idea which bathroom I was supposed to go in. Usually I just peeked in to see if there were urinals and if there weren't, I figured I was safe. This made it pretty obvious though. The female equivalent was a lazy bit of lingerie.

Best street art ever. A drunk girl peeing. This was in a parking lot across from a squat.

The other side of the Berlin Wall. The following are paintings drawn on the reverse by the people on the East. They just completely restored everything and even contacted all 80-something artists who originally painting on it and had them make exact replicas of their work.

I'm not sure what the story behind this was, but they are definitely sexy babies. Weird.

This relates to the photo below, which is "Dreams" written out in post-its notes for people to write on.

This is near the bridge between Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain. Across from this building they recently put up some big corporate buildings, so this is supposed to symbolize the employees being chained to the corporation.

On the bridge between Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain. They have sort of a rivalry. These two hands are playing rock, paper scissors between them all day and night. During the summer there's a big vegetable fight between the two sides on the bridge and during the winter a snowball fight.

Last, but not least, after you cross the bridge into Kreuzberg this is street art of a baby, made out of babies...eating a baby. It's pretty much the best thing I've ever seen in my life. I have about 8 billion more pictures of Berlin, but it would be ridiculous if I posted all of them. What an amazing city though, and it seems I may even go back in March!
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