After less than two hours of sleep, I was definitely not up to anything crazy for my first night in Prague. I talked to Andrea and Viktor for a bit and then headed to Shakespeare to catch up with the rest of my friends. I finally tried the hot pear juice, which I’d meant to do my entire 5 months in Prague, met New Nicole and somehow managed to stay up until midnight or so. The next day was my birthday, so I slept in and then met up with more friends for Mexican food and margaritas at Cantina in Mala Strana. I’ve been craving Mexican food, so it was definitely nice. After dinner, a lot of people went home because they had work the next day, so Miriam, Sara, Josh and I hit up Bukowski’s. Viktor gave me a couple free drinks for my birthday which was awesome and we chilled for a bit. On the way home, we bumped into another group of people, one whose birthday was ALSO that day (go figure), who let us into Blind Eye, which was open illegally for some reason.
After only two nights back in Prague, it was back on the train to Vienna this time to see Lizbee. My first night I met her awesome friends and got treated to delicious homemade curry. It was cool to see her and crazy to be around someone from Tyler again. The next day we had a wander around Vienna, which is very pretty and looks similar to Prague, ate amazing falafel where Lizbee, Molly, Kayleigh and I talked about sex for at least an hour and a half. Then Lizbee and I got some BonBons and were off to the Wien Museum to see an exhibit called “Madness and Modernity” and wander around the rest of the exhibits until we both reached the point of sensory overload. Next was Naschmarkt, which was basically my version of heaven. Tons of different types of hummus, olives, vegetables, falafel, bread, dried fruits, spices and candies going on for a long block between metro stations. Freaking amazing. I procured a vegetable that looked like a spiky alien, apparently called a Romanesca, that we cooked for dinner with rice (it was good!).
My last day I wandered around by myself because Lizbee was sick, bought pens, ate vegan “Chicken Cordon Bleu” and had coffee at a little vegetarian restaurant and went back to Naschmarkt to buy more snacks and spices for the train ride the next day. At night we went to this amazing Nepalese place called Yak & Yeti that had all-you-could-eat dumplings for 12 euro and it was also mind-blowingly good. We sat in this cool room in the back where you had to take your shoes off and sit on the floor on all these rugs and pillows. Mmmmm.
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