This weekend was full of Mezipatra, the Queer Film Festival that came through Prague this week. I must say, the highlight was definitely Homolution, a party that took place in a big old church called Sacre Coeur. Yes, there was a gay dance party in a church. Take that, Jesus. Sometimes I love Prague.
I unfortunately spent most of the party being stressed out and not drunk enough. The negative aspect of living in a country where beer is cheaper than water is that your tolerance gets to a place where it outlasts 4 consecutive shots of tequila surprisingly quickly. The fact that I was in attendance for what must've been the most ironic party I've ever heard of made it totally worth it, though.
In any case, Saturday night and Sunday afternoon I finally got to partake in the film aspect of the festival. There were a few discussions on topics like bisexuality, queer identity and trans-issues as well throughout the week, but unfortunately I was working during the English sessions. There are a lot more films I wanted to see as the festival moves to Ostrava, so I may just have to resort to downloading them or something.
Saturday my flatmate Andrea, Becky and I saw The Secrets (תסודוח) (2007), or “Ha-Sodot” for those who prefer the transliterated. Here's a description for you:

We have all had secrets at one time of our lives or another. After her mother’s death, Naomi, reserved and religious, enters a seminary for Jewish women. There she meets the unruly Michelle, contrary to the established norms. Both women are imprisoned in the male dominated world of Judaism. A mysterious French woman, Anouk (Fanny Ardant, of 8 Women) repudiated by society, enters their lives, leaving them forever affected by her secret. Hidden passions, ambition, love and insuppressible guilt within the confines of Jewish teaching. (from the Mezipatra website)
The second film we saw today (Sunday) was Mannen som elsket Yngve (The Man Who Loved Yngve) (2008). This film had a pretty rockin' soundtrack and managed to be funny, without also being too camp, which I feel like a lot of films centered on gay-men are apt to do.

Critically acclaimed in Norway, a film on growing up, music and first loves in 1989. The ginger Jarle gets all, he could desire – a friend, a beautiful girl and a band. His world is shaken, when the new boy Yngve comes to his school. Energy and nostalgia, great music from The Cure to Norwegian punk, carelessness and bitterness of adolescence assemble in a story on coming out and inevitable responsibility. Told with authentic strength and lightness, just falling in love with Yngve and this movie. (from the Mezipatra website).
One cool thing about living in Prague is the amount of film festivals that come through here. I went to a German film festival and its respective swanky party (with free booze and food!) a few weeks ago, then this one and in a couple weeks the French film festival will be here. Always an opportunity for some good cinema, i must say. Cheap, too. The tickets to each movie at Mezipatra were only 95 kč each ($5.48)!
Overall a pretty chill weekend. Updates on some changes in my life plan coming your way soon, but I must handle the bureaucratic aspect of it all before posting such things in a public forum. Needless to say, there will be much more Wandering from this Luster for your eyes coming up.
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